Puzzle Lounge Week 2: Morse Numbers Sudoku

Session 1: Week 2
In the lead-up to the 2018 World Sudoku Championship, in Prague, Morse Numbers Sudoku caught my attention. A Morse Sudoku had appeared before in 2010 WSC in Philadelphia, but that was a wholly different genre. The 2010 type was an incomplete-clue genre (like Digital and Roman Numeral Sudoku), whereas this Czech type uses second-order logic. There are some interesting constraints one can learn by construction. If time allows, you can learn a lot by writing practice puzzles of an unfamiliar type. As a result, during the 2018 WSC, I solved the Morse Numbers Sudoku quite efficiently. Below is my take on the genre.


Puzzle 2: Morse Numbers Sudoku (31 points)
Fill in the grid with numbers 1-9 so that each number appears once in each row, column and bolded region. In each arrow, the pattern of odd and even digits, reading towards the circle, will represent the Morse code of the digit in the circle. Dots are represented by odd digits and dashes are represented by even digits.

Answer Keys:
Enter the contents of the marked rows.

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